Wednesday, February 6, 2013


The hardest thing I did today, was holding back the tears that has been there since the starting of our new semester. Holding back the tears, that was ever ready to drop, the tears that has since been there for a long time..The breakdown that you never saw before.
I felt so hurt, when you ignored me and continued playing with my handphone. I thought you knew, before we coupled, the thing I couldn't stand the most was me beside you, and you ignore me to play games. Yeah, I know you did not totally ignored me. You were talking to me while looking at the handphone screen. It hurts you know? You told me before, if you were playing games, and I'm sulking at you, I can just tell you. I don't know how many times I've told you I hate it when we are together and you took my phone and play games. If you wanted to play so much, then why ask me out and said you wanted to see me or talk to me at the first place? Seriously, I hate it. When I see you, or when we are together, all I want is just for the both of us to sit down and talk, looking at each other's eyes. How many times has it been, where I had to ask you to put away the phone?? I'm not trying to be sarcastic or scolding you, please, I'm asking you, I'm begging you to not play with my phone when we are together, Please, I'm begging you...It's hurting me a lot. I really don't know how to tell you face to face, i don't want to end up with me losing my temper because of such small matters, and killing our relationship or worse, ending it. It's not worth it, to throw away all that we had just because of this. I know I'm being really childish now, I can't help it. I'm sorry. I was quite the whole two hour, my arms were crossed, I was hurt inside, but I didn't know how to open my mouth and tell you. I really hope you can understand. I can't take it you know, the fact that we are spending lesser and lesser time together makes me appreciate and wanting to enjoy every hour, every minute, every second that I spent with you. I hope you feel the same way too....

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