Saturday, December 8, 2012


It's been awhile since  I last updated my blog..I'm so stressed out with my assignments and test, and finals coming up...thank god I got my Bby with me. You're the best Bby!! 
I can't believe my second semester is going to finish...Whew! Time flies real fast... Anyway, I wanna shout out something :" Happy 5 month Anniversary Baby boy!! " I love you so much..hehe...*too bad we didn't get to celebrate because of the annoying test we had this week. * Sorry Bby, we KIV it, then next month anniversary we celebrate all 2 together okay? ...WAIT!! Next month 5th, we are having exam week!! OMG...kadavule...Okay okay..push again to February 5th. So that makes it a 3 month celebration together. We celebrate awesome one okay? So on the 5th Feb 2013 is our 7 month anniversary. Wow! Hihi.. ^~^Y

Had a really tiring month, I'm exhausted and worn out, felt like I'm living on the next day depending on coffee, lots and lots of coffee. I'm so gonna be sick after finals are over. Especially on test week..O_O I just realized I'm so lagging behind on my studies. Basically :
Chemistry     = I'm only halfway where the lecturer is... (pathetic, pathetic >___< )
Physics         = The lectures is killing me with his droning of lecture, and I'm dozing of at the back   = (Racheal's lullaby) 
Pre-calculus  = At least I can understand a little of what he is teaching, after staring at the same page for the past 1 hour...
English          = Hmm...I guess I'm doing okay??


Huhuhuhu...I gotta study, study, study and study...I gotta slave over my thick, heavy books...I gotta locked myself in room and stare at the notes till they are imprinted in my brain...I gotta camp out in the IRC till finals are over...
Conclusion : My days just took a turn for the worse. >____<!!!
Hmm....Better start on it...
PS: But first off, I gotta go and lie on my bed and hug my newest item on my bed which has keep me smiling like a goon while I sleep.. Hehe...Guess what it is?